Litter Information

Tuareg X Nastja
Sire: SBIS/BIS Italian, Norwegian, Swedish & International Champion Maidum Blue TuaregDame: Triumph-Show Anastasia Magic
Born: 2008-09-09
We are so excited about our beautiful litter by these very exotic parents.
The boys: 2 creams, 1 coffee/cream domino, 1 blue/white domino.
The girls: 1 cream, 1 blue/creme domino and 1 white.
Tuareg is a SBIS/BIS winner with a very smooth big sidegait. Beautiful from all angles, very sound and balanced standing or moving.
Tuareg is the World Champion Sanallah´s Gerome´s grandson.
Nastja, substancial body, correct in every way with a strong topline. Lovely exotic head and expression with black pigmentation. Very proud attitude.
Nastja is a "Svinto" World Champion Kingsleah Blue Star granddaughter! And the great granddaughter of World Champion Sanallah´s Gerome.
Tuareg and Nastja have both correct bites with full dentition and characters to die for.
SBIS/BIS Italian, Norwegian, Swedish & International Champion Maidum Blue Tuareg | Am, Swedish, Norwegian, Slov & Int Ch Raffica's Smokin' Gun | USA Ch Seistan's Makin' A Killin' Jc |
USA Ch Raffica Smoke Gets N' Yr Eyes | ||
Italian Champion Maidum Zanzibar | IT, FR & INT CH, WW-96, EURW-97, EURW-98 Sanallah´s Gerome | |
Morgane | ||
Triumph-Show Anastasia Magic | Est, Latv, Lith & Baltic JCH, ESTJW-05, LVJ-05 & BALTJW-05, Est, Lat, Lit, Balt, Russian, Belarus & International CH, Lithuanian Winner-07 Kingsleah Arctic Star | World Champion Kingsleah Blue Star |
Pretty-Woman De Darjeeling | ||
EST JCH, EST VCH, LV, BLR & RUS CH, LT JWINNER-04 Funtime´s Up-To-Date Obsession | EST V, LT, LV, BALT, PL, RUS, BALT FIN, BLR & INT CH, BALT W-99 & -00 Funtime´s Obsession For Fun | |
EST V, LT, LV, RUS, BALT CH Funtime´s Paloma Picasso |